Upper School Academics

Michelle Bertany

Vice President and Principal

Welcome to Holy Spirit Prep Upper School

Our goal at Holy Spirit Prep Upper School is to transform students into lifelong learners. To that end, we focus on four pillars of education: academics, athletics, spirituality, and the arts.

A Catholic Formation

At HSP, we believe that before students can be truly successful in life, they first need to know and love God. By following and believing in Him, not only will students discover the ultimate truth, but they will also lead joyous lives of fulfillment as they serve others.

But seeking the truth, especially as a teenager, can often be intimidating.

That’s where we come in.

As Catholic educators, our goal is to help our students discover the beauty of living an authentic Catholic life and putting their faith into action. Like St. John Paul II said, “the contemporary world urgently needs the service of educational institutions which uphold and teach that truth is ‘that fundamental value without which freedom, justice, and human dignity are extinguished’” (Veritatis splendor, n. 4). When our students graduate from Holy Spirit Prep, they will have developed an understanding of what it means to have a personal relationship with God, and how to make that their compass as they find their place in this world.

As an honoree of the Catholic Education Honor Roll, HSP subscribes to the Principles of Catholic Identity in Education.

A Classically-Inspired Curriculum

The Upper School at Holy Spirit Prep proudly offers a curriculum that is classically-inspired and authentically Catholic. By provoking our students to think critically, they learn to not conform to the ways of the world, but to let their Catholic faith inform their every step. We understand that parents are the primary educators in their child's life, and we aim to partner with them to help students grow intellectually and spiritually.

Extraordinary Faculty

At Holy Spirit Prep Upper School, we have extraordinary faculty that cultivate students’ knowledge and curiosity as they navigate a demanding college-preparatory education. Teachers, staff, and coaches work together to help students develop their God-given talents while motivating them to pursue excellence in everything they do.


Students learn to recognize universal themes, symbolic patterns, and social values within ancient, classical, and medieval literature as well as its historical context and influence. The course integrates the study of literature and the practice of writing composition and strengthens students’ understanding of narrative, informative, and argumentative writing.

In addition to the content of the Classical and Medieval Literature class, students in the Honors course will engage in a deeper analysis of texts as well as more challenging written assignments.

This course focuses on literature from the Renaissance period to the 20th-century. Students learn universal themes, symbolic patterns, and social values within modern literature, along with its historical context and influence. There are opportunities for writing composition which strengthen students’ understanding of narrative, informative, and argumentative writing.

This course focuses on exceptional literary works from the modern era through in-depth analyses and criticism in preparation for Advanced Placement English classes. Students refine their literary style through iterative essay writing. They are responsible for vocabulary development, outside reading, and written work examining the history of Modern Literature.

This course focuses on classic American literature and its historical context and influence. Students develop their literary style while reviewing and practicing the form, organization, and rhythm of analytical and research essay writing. Students are responsible for vocabulary development, outside reading, and written work examining the history of American Literature.

This course gives students a thorough survey of American Literature and prepares them for the AP English Language Exam. Through reading and writing assignments, students become aware of the writer’s purposes, audience expectations, subjects, and how generic conventions contribute to effective writing.

This course is a comprehensive survey of British literature in all its brilliant diversity. Students analyze literary works and learn their historical context and influence on British literature. In addition to refining their narrative, argumentative, and informative writing, students begin to conduct sophisticated research culminating in a college-level research paper.

Through careful study of curated English literary works, students learn how writers use language to bring meaning to their readers. As they analyze fiction writing at a collegiate level, students understand how to use literary critiques as sources in writing and how to develop their literary criticisms.

This course introduces students to various historical eras beginning with the Byzantine Empire and the Western Christendom while instructing them to read critically, analyze primary and secondary sources, research and write on historical case studies, and develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

This course introduces students to various historical eras beginning with the Byzantine Empire and the Western Christendom. The honors track has a more accelerated pace, employs chronological writing when interpreting data, and analyzes patterns of historical duration or continuity.

This course gives students a firm understanding of history from the fall of Constantinople in 1453 to the tragic events of September 11, 2001. Students analyze primary documents, historical research and writing, and learn life-lessons from both the good and bad decisions made by historical figures.

This course gives students a firm understanding of history from the fall of Constantinople in 1453 to the tragic events of September 11, 2001. Students grapple with the details of these historical eras and analyze primary sources, research and write on historical topics, and think critically about history.

United States History examines events from the discovery of the new world to the modern era. Students gain an understanding of the nation’s political, social, and economic history and its involvement in foreign affairs. They continue their study of primary source analysis, research, writing, and critical discussion of U.S. history.

This course provides a college-level experience and preparation for the Advanced Placement Examination. Students interpret documents, master a significant body of historical information, and write critical essays. There are opportunities to continue the study and mastery of primary source analysis, research, writing, and critical discussion of our history.

This course provides students with an understanding of the structures, functions, and principles of the U.S. federal government and its branches. Students should complete the course with a thorough understanding of how their government works and how they are governed.

AP U.S. Government and Politics begins with the context and background of our American political system, continues with a close analysis of the United States Constitution & Bill of Rights, and concludes with a study of the politics and political life of the United States. This course prepares students to take the Advanced Placement exam.

This course introduces students to basic economic concepts, the significance of the nation’s economic performance measurement, the financial sector, employment, inflation, and the critical factors responsible for economic growth or recession in the U.S. and world.

In this course, students will undertake a detailed examination of Sacred Scripture with the goal of increasing their knowledge of the Bible. We will explore critical moments in Salvation History, focusing particularly on proper modes of interpretation and the interconnected, unitive nature of the two Testaments.

This course presents the fundamental beliefs and practices of the Catholic Faith along with the history of the Catholic Church, focusing on the core teachings of the Nicene Creed and the Sacraments, as discussed in the first two parts of the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

Moral Theology is a study of the morality of human actions. This class focuses on how to live one’s life in such a way as to receive eternal salvation; it seeks to answer the question posed by the rich young man to Jesus in the gospels: “Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?”

This course begins with a study of logic and philosophy as taught in the Catholic intellectual tradition, especially by Aquinas. Students then study the art of engaging in Apologetics of the Faith. Students should finish with a greater ability to reason and confidence in their ability to explain truths of the Faith.

This course is an introduction to Western philosophy, including Plato, Augustine, Aquinas, and considers the challenges posed by Ockham and Descartes. Through studying these thinkers, students should complete the course with a habit of asking probing questions and seeking clear definitions, confident that the truth is knowable and worth pursuing.

This course studies the morality of human actions more deeply than is possible in the core Moral Theology course, starting with Aristotle’s Ethics in the fall. In the spring, students will study difficult moral questions around medicine and biology, specifically regarding life, reproduction, and death.

This course explores the nature of society and the common good, starting with the Aristotelian proposition of man as political animal and discussing Aristotle’s Politics in seminar. Students then study the Church’s social and political teaching, noting especially the social encyclicals of Pope Leo XIII, Pius XI, and John Paul II.

This course is a study of the classical liberal arts of Geometry and Astronomy. Students use Euclid’s Elements to work through the propositions that underlie geometry. Then, students study astronomic models of the universe from the ancients to the Copernican Revolution, and learn the basics of observational Astronomy.

This course begins with a study of Rhetoric, the art of persuasion, using Aristotle’s Rhetoric. Students learn the elements of a good argument, the importance of considering the audience, and the keys to effective delivery, both theoretically and practically, learning skills for public speaking and debate.

This course focuses on content, themes, literary techniques, and creative artistry related to the short story. Working in a small group setting, students will analyze works by various authors and, while developing creative writing skills, create their own short stories throughout the semester.

This course centers upon in-depth reading and lively discussions in a small group focused on the connections between great literary works and excellent film adaptation, as well as timeless themes that challenge and inspire readers and moviegoers.

In this college-level course, students will employ spatial concepts and landscape analysis to examine social organization and its environmental consequences. Units taught include geography, population, migration, culture, language, religion, ethnicity, political geography, industry, and agriculture.

This course introduces basic algebraic skills in a logical order, including relations, functions, graphing, systems of equations, radicals, factoring polynomials, and rational equations, emphasizing methods of solving first and second-degree equations and inequalities. These skills lay the groundwork for advanced STEM courses and have practical uses in everyday life.

This course will have a particular focus on logical reasoning and the development of formal geometric proofs using theorems and postulates. The instruction emphasizes visualizing and understanding Euclidean properties, making and verifying conjectures, and applying concepts to real-world scenarios.

Honors Geometry will explore topics in greater depth and at a more abstract level. Greater attention is given to proofs as well as making and verifying conjectures and using algebraic techniques to develop geometric concepts.

This course covers algebraic expressions and forms, powers and roots, and functions. Functions (linear, quadratic, polynomial, radical, exponential, and logarithmic) are studied for their abstract properties as well as their usefulness for modeling realistic situations. This course also includes linear modeling, introduction to sequences and series, and conic sections.

Honors Algebra II is for students who are advanced in mathematics and will explore topics in greater depth at a more abstract level.

In this course, students strengthen their understanding of the statistical method of inquiry and statistical simulations. Students will formulate statistical questions to be answered using data, design and implement collection of the appropriate data, select appropriate graphical and numerical methods for analysis, and interpret results to answer the initial questions.

This course furthers the study of algebra, properties and graphs of functions and their inverses. Trigonometric functions, identities, and equations form a large portion of the course. Additional topics covered include rational functions, vectors, parametric functions, polar functions, and probability.

Honors Pre-calculus is for students who are advanced in mathematics and will explore topics in greater depth to prepare students for AP Calculus.

These courses teach calculus concepts, providing experience with methods and applications. Through modeling change, approximation and limits, and analysis of functions, each course becomes a cohesive whole, rather than a collection of unrelated topics, and requires students to use definitions and theorems to build arguments and justify conclusions.

The course will introduce students to the major concepts and tools for collecting, analyzing, and drawing conclusions from data. Students are exposed to four concepts: exploring data, sampling and experimentation, anticipating patterns, and statistical inference.

Biology introduces the principles and concepts related to living organisms. The course covers basic biology, cell structure and function, metabolism and energy transformation, genetics, evolution, classification, and other related topics.

Honors Biology is an accelerated course, and as such will include more challenging and deeper content throughout the course.

Physical Science encompasses everything seen (and unseen) in the universe. Physical Science is divided into two disciplines: physics and chemistry. This course will explore the concepts of matter, energy, motion, forces, and reactions.

This course covers atomic structure, the Periodic Table, bonding, scientific measurements and calculations, chemical nomenclature, and reactions. In the second semester, students study chemical composition, stoichiometry, energy, gas laws, solutions, acids and bases, kinetics, equilibrium, electrochemistry, and nuclear reactions.

Honors Chemistry is an accelerated course, and as such will include more challenging and deeper content throughout the course.

Physics is the study of nature and its principles and is used in fields that range from engineering to medicine, so basic comprehension and applicability are essential. Students explore the fundamental laws of mechanics, electricity, and optics, through measurement, experimentation, critical thinking, and problem-solving.

Students gain a basic understanding of the anatomy and physiology of the eleven major organ systems of the body. Throughout the course, students complete basic dissections of mammalian organs in order to understand the structures of these organs.

This course emphasizes developing an understanding of concepts and the examination of science as a process rather than memorizing terms and technical details. The topics covered include biochemistry, cell structure and function, cellular energetics, genetics, molecular basis of inheritance, DNA technology, evolution, microbiology, plants, animals, and ecology.

The AP Chemistry course provides students with a college-level foundation to support future advanced coursework in chemistry. Students cultivate their understanding of chemistry through inquiry-based investigations, as they explore content such as: atomic structure, intermolecular forces and bonding, chemical reactions, kinetics, thermodynamics, and equilibrium.

This course uses calculus and completion of or concurrent enrollment in a calculus course is needed. It is equivalent to an introductory college course taken by physical science and engineering majors that covers Mechanics, including kinematics, forces and Newton’s laws, work and energy, momentum, rotation, oscillations, and gravitation.

The goal of this course is to equip students with fundamental knowledge of the field of Computer Science as well as wisdom to engage with its real-world implications. Students will survey topics such as computer hardware, computer software, computer networks, computer intelligence (AI), computer literacy, and computer programming.

This course introduces students to computer science through object-oriented programming and design using the Java programming language. Topics include solution design, data structures, the development and implementation of algorithms to process and discover data, and the ethical and social implications of computing systems.

In this course, students will create a custom curriculum, such as learning a language, designing smartphone or web applications, learning data analytics or machine learning, or creating a video game. This course begins with a detailed proposal and planning process, requires checkpoints throughout, and culminates in a final presentation.

After building both a technological and philosophical knowledge base, students will explore questions around artificial intelligence through class discussions and guest lectures. Topics include the ethical questions posed by considering the future of humanity with artificial intelligence. Students will be asked to reflect on questions and compose arguments in writing as well as in other multimedia formats.

In this course, students learn to design and evaluate solutions and solve problems through the development of algorithms and programs. Students will also explain how computing innovations and systems – including the Internet – work, explore potential impacts, and contribute to a computing culture that is collaborative and ethical.

The technology of our modern world presents many old moral challenges in new forms. In this course, students will explore the historical-technological developments that have led to so many fascinating innovations and confront the philosophical and ethical questions which arise from them.

In this course, students learn over 250 vocabulary words and basic grammar (including 6 tenses and 1st-3rd declension nouns), in addition to studying Roman culture and mythology. They will also learn Latin prayers and parts of the Mass.

In this course, students build on Latin I with more vocabulary (over 400 words total), and begin writing complex sentences and discussing the political developments of ancient Rome.

Students build on Latin II by learning how to parse all nouns and verbs and recognize tense, mood, and clauses. They will be comfortable reading and recognizing participles and the passive voice. They will continue their study of Rome, including important political and military events, and mythology.

Students will build on Latin III by learning subjunctive verbs, impersonal constructions, and gerunds, as they encounter them in the context of authentic writings. They will also continue their study of Roman history and culture, mythology, and the life of early Christians in Rome.

In this course, students learn preterite and imperfect tenses, the subjunctive mood, commands, present and past perfect, future and future perfect, and conditional and conditional perfect tenses. They will discuss topics related to technology, nature, health, work, and current events.

This course will review and expand upon vocabulary and grammar introduced in Spanish II.  Topics covered include the preterite and imperfect tenses, present and past subjunctive, and perfect tenses. Students will watch chapter themed short films, read literary selections, study current events, and take the National Spanish Exam. 

Students cultivate their understanding of Spanish language and culture by applying interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational modes of communication in real-life situations as they explore concepts related to family and communities, personal and public identities, beauty and aesthetics, science and technology, contemporary life, and global challenges.

This is the foundation to all other Visual Art classes. A variety of media and techniques will be explored through small, unit-based projects. Media will include: pencil, acrylic, watercolor, collage, charcoal, block printing and colored pencil. No previous art experience is required to take this course.

Students explore more advanced techniques in a variety of drawing media, with emphasis on mark-making and mastery in a multitude of traditional media with a focus on portraiture and anatomy. Students also study art history with close attention to classical applications. This class easily couples with Advanced Painting.

Students explore a full range of painting approaches with projects in acrylic, oils, watercolor and spray-paint. Emphasis is placed on technical approaches to the media and focus on the progression of wet media throughout history.

This course is highly suggested for anyone wishing to take AP Studio Art or prepare a portfolio for college admittance. The course focuses on the formation of concept and design. Projects include: action painting, plaster carving, illustration and ink work. Coursework includes visits to art galleries.

This course is intended to serve the senior art student not enrolled in AP Art. The course focuses on the formation of a focused series of art. Students will work towards creating a singular body of work based on individual interests, with a heavy focus on peer critique.

This program consists of three different courses and AP Portfolio Exams—AP 2-D Art and Design, AP 3-D Art and Design, and AP Drawing. Students may choose to submit any or all of the AP Portfolio Exams.

Students are introduced to black and white photography and darkroom processing. They will design and produce photographs using a digital camera and Adobe Bridge, Photoshop, and Lightroom. Required: A manual digital camera (DSLR) which allows for the selection of aperture, shutter speed, and ISO.

This course builds on skills acquired in the Introduction to Photography and Digital Imaging by exploring photographic and digital media with the camera and computer. Required: A manual digital camera (DSLR) which allows for the selection of aperture, shutter speed, and ISO.

This course focuses on art in its three-dimensional form. A variety of mediums (including paper, clay, textiles, wire, and plaster) and sculptural techniques (additive, subtractive, modeling, and casting) are explored. Projects are designed to teach critical thinking and problem-solving skills that complement the student’s overall education.

This course is an introduction to the medium of clay. Students create three-dimensional clay forms and develop an understanding of other cultures and periods of human expression in clay. Students are encouraged to develop their styles and modes of expression while creating a quality sculpture.

In this year-long course, students become well-versed in programs such as Adobe InDesign and Adobe Photoshop by completing the HSP Yearbook.

This course provides instruction in the fundamentals of wind performance on instruments including flute, oboe, clarinet, bass clarinet, bassoon, alto saxophone, tenor saxophone, baritone saxophone, trumpet, French horn, trombone, euphonium, tuba, and concert percussion. Students must have at least one year of experience in the band (by audition).

String Orchestra is a performing ensemble for experienced students on the violin, viola, cello, double bass, and piano. There is an emphasis on standard string orchestra literature and new elements of music theory and history. Students can compose and perform original pieces, participate in chamber ensembles, and audition and perform in Honors Orchestra.

In this course, students develop skills in audition prep, music theory, sight reading, vocal technique, and performance technique through music ranging from Musical Theatre to sacred choral music. They sing for weekly mass, HSP’s Gala, confirmation, graduation, musicals, plays, and several concerts.

As a supplement to the Symphonic Band, the Chamber Ensemble class will focus on musical repertoire in a chamber group setting. The most popular ensembles are the woodwind quintet, brass quintet, string quartet, and other consorts of instruments. Students perform at the HSP chamber recital and the Georgia Music Educators Solo & Ensemble Festival.

This course begins with an introduction to ancient music and continues through the periods of the Middle Ages, Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, 20th Century, and Modern Day. Students study the musical characteristics, instruments, theory, and cultural and historical contexts within each period.

This course begins with an introduction to ancient music and continues through the periods of the Middle Ages, Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, 20th Century, and Modern Day. Students study the musical characteristics, instruments, theory, and cultural and historical contexts within each period.

The AP Music Theory course introduces college music theory coursework and covers topics such as musicianship, theory, and musical materials and procedures. Prospective students should be able to read and write musical notation and have basic performance skills with voice or an instrument. After the course, students will sit for the AP Music Theory exam.

Broadcasting is a way for students to express their creativity while writing scripts, reviewing sports and school events, interviewing people, and discovering how to create positivity within the school community. They learn about the production process by producing videos throughout the year and creating biweekly news videos for the school community. 

This course is for students of any fitness level who want to improve their fitness, strength, speed, and agility. Students focus on weight room safety, exercise integration, program planning, and performance development. Athletes will have modified programs for in-season and off-season training.

Students are divided into teams for the various sports and compete against one another throughout the semester. The class teaches communication and strategization through sports to find ways to succeed.

Junior High Curriculum

Campus Ministry

Our campus ministry is dedicated to providing each student with opportunities to grow in their faith as they learn to love God and others. Inspired by the words of Christ, we are committed to living out our school motto, “Ministrāre non ministrārī,” “To serve, not to be served.” Students will complete at least 100 hours of community service during their time in high school, with opportunities to serve offered in many different areas, including serving the homeless, going on work mission trips, working in the pro-life movement, and more.

Additionally, the campus ministry team offers countless opportunities to enhance the spiritual formation of our students including daily Mass, prayer services, regular Confession, and an annual grade-level retreat.

Campus Ministry

Our campus ministry is dedicated to providing each student with opportunities to grow in their faith as they learn to love God and others. Inspired by the words of Christ, we are committed to living out our school motto, “Ministrāre non ministrārī,” “To serve, not to be served.” Students will complete at least 100 hours of community service during their time in high school, with opportunities to serve offered in many different areas, including serving the homeless, going on work mission trips, working in the pro-life movement, and more.

Additionally, the campus ministry team offers countless opportunities to enhance the spiritual formation of our students including daily Mass, prayer services, regular Confession, and an annual grade-level retreat.

Do you have any questions?

Contact us and we will be more than happy to answer any questions that you may have.

Do you have any questions?

Contact us and we will be more than happy to answer any questions that you may have.
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